TUTORIAL - Double Corner Tucks & Rita Donnelly Flip - Tina’s Weekly Workshop 40 - Mass Making

TUTORIAL - Corner Tucks & Rita Donnelly Flip - Tina’s Weekly Workshop 40 - Mass Making Hi - wk 40 of my Mass Making projects. This week, are quick and easy double corner tucks which of course you can adapt these and make them in any style you like, incorporating different paper type, sizes etc. Great way to use up paper scraps. Hope you manage to craft along, and get some serious mass making done with me during these workshops which I am hoping to upload every Tuesday. Thank you for joining me, please give this video a thumbs up, Tinax My shop My Website My Design Team: Jenfer - A touch of Sparkle Emily - Emephemeras Treasures Sheree - Turquoise Deaming Lisa - Handmade by Lisa
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