After 5 months, I’m back again! I apologize for my absence because I’ve been going through some tough times; some plans didn’t work out but I’m working through it.
So I started this animation back in February but I mostly ignored it due to my lack of motivation to do anything. But I finally decided to finish it this June and I’m proud of it. (Yeah it’s not coloured but I don’t have the patience to do it)
This animation is inspired by Munji!
Song by Eve.
I would really appreciate it if you could like this video or share it with a friend! every little thing helps.
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4 months ago 00:06:32 1
От этих слов я прозрел! Лучшие цитаты Джорджа Бернарда Шоу!
4 months ago 00:05:26 12
Les Indes Galantes - Danse du Grand Calumet de la Paix