Did the Witch of Endor see Samuel or a Demon?

When the witch of En-Dor saw an elderly man wearing a robe during her 1 Samuel 28 encounter with King Saul, was the witch actually seeing Samuel? Or was it a lying spirit demon impersonating Samuel? Doreen Virtue and Jenn Nizza look at the two theological views of this passage, and also in view of their backgrounds as mediums before they were saved. They emphasize that 1 Samuel 28 should never be used as an excuse to go see a psychic medium, as mediumship is condemned for good reason throughout the Bible. The research that Doreen referenced is from Kent, G. J. R. “‘Call up Samuel’: Who Appeared to the Witch at En-Dor? (1 Samuel 28:3–25).” Andrews University Seminary Studies 52, no. 2 (Autumn 2014): 141–60. Jenn Nizza is at and Note from Doreen: I have had comments turned off of all my videos since 2009 because I don’t have an assistant or moderator, and my schedule is super busy. You can reach me through direc
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