Ep. 51: Bonus Episode. Conversation with Anab Whitehouse - “Hijacking Phenomenology“

I highly recommend setting aside 2.5 hours and listening to this insightful mind-provoking and truly fascinating conversation with a Canadian author Anab Whitehouse. While Anab is not a Targeted Individual. I’ve never met a non-TI who understand the program in such depth. He also offers his own unique point of view of Targeting from historic and philosophical perspective. Anab’s books are available for free at: or at Anab put together a number of video documentaries, along with some other sorts of entries on his Bitchute channel called DrAnab Academia page: Anab was nice enough to provide written answers to the questions asked during the conversation in a form of a PDF which is available at Opinions expressed during the Podcast do not not necessary reflect the official positions of In order to continue legal fight for the liberation of Targeted/Listed Individuals, we kindly ask you to donate to Targeted Justice via or You can also create a paid subscription to newsletter (for only $8 a month), and never miss an update! Show your solidarity by wearing a Targeted Justice T-shirt, a hoodie, or a baseball cap, or a T-Shirt with our groundbreaking podcast “Targeted Justice v. Garland” hosted by Yours Truly, or by choosing more items from our popular Etsy Store:
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