Wangjaesan Light Music Band Vol. 42 || 왕재산경음악단 제42집

01. [00:00] The General and Children / 장군님과 아이들 / Полководец и дети 02. [02:50] Ryonggang Ballad / 룡강타령 / Баллада Рёнган 03. [08:00] Cinnamon Tree / 계수나무 / Коричное дерево 04. [12:51] We Started from Scratch / 우리는 빈터에서 시작하였네 / Мы начали с нуля 05. [17:55] Soldiers Look / 병사는 바라보네 / Взгляд солдат 06. [20:25] Party, Motherly Image / 당은 어머니모습 / Партия, материнский образ 07. [26:59] Song of Mountains and Rivers / 산천가 / Песня о горах и реках 08. [30:24] This is the Motherland I Live / 여기가 내 사는 조국이여라 / Это моя Родина, я здесь живу 09. [35:21] The Lawn Tinged with Green / 잔디는 푸르러 / Газон зеленеет 10. [39:29] Soldiers Answered / 병사들은 대답했네 / Ответ солдат 11. [42:56] Nostalgia Sounds through the Spring Night of Pyongyang / 평양의 봄밤에 사향가 흐르네 / Звуки ностальгии в весенней ночи Пхеньяна ............................. 01) Female duet and chorus behind the stage - Kim Song Ok, Hyon Song Wol / 녀성2중창과 방창 김성옥 현송월 02) Saxhorn solo - Hwang Sung Chol / 쌕스폰독주 황승철 03) Female duet and chorus behind the stage - Jang Jong Ae, Pak In Ok / 녀성2중창과 방창 장정애 박인옥 04) Light music for trumpet arranged by Kim Un Ryong / 트럼페트를 위한 경음악 편곡 김운룡 05) Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Ryom Chong / 녀성독창과 방창 렴청 06) Light music for violin duet Jon Il, Jon Song Guk / 바이올린2중주를 위한 경음악 전일 전성국 07) Female solo and chorus behind the stage - Pak In Ok / 녀성독창과 방창 박인옥 08) Trombone solo - Jang Mu Gil / 트럼본독주 장무길 09) Female trio and chorus behind the stage - Kim Song Ok, Kim Ok Sun, Hyon Song Wol / 녀성3중창과 방창 김성옥 김옥순 현송월 10) Brass ensemble of 6 people arranged by Kim Un Ryong / 금관6중주 편곡 김운룡 11) Female solo and chorus behind the stage - O Jong Yun / 녀성독창과 방창 오정윤 .................................................. Download \ Скачать MP3 (128-320 kbps) - Listen in VK \ Слушать в ВК - It is not original copy from CD. It is result of searching of the songs in the web (according the information from catalogue). Many thanks for song №6 -
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