Official Audio for “Rom Coms“ by Cassadee Pope
Listen to the new album Hereditary!
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Breakups growing up were always strange
I held out hope thinking he would change
And he’d be outside my window with flowers
I’d wait for him a thousand hours
Rom coms taught me everything
Like there’s always gunna be a happy ending
And if there’s not tough shit you did it wrong
You had your chance and now it’s gone
Oh I used to stay up counting sheep about it
And that I’d know it’s perfect when I found it
That kinda love they sell in 90 minutes
The older that I get I’m glad I’m not in it
Cause I love the mess we’re in my fucked up prince
It’s time to let go of all the unrealistic
Fantasies you make it seem like we don’t need the silver screen yea
I love the mess we’re in my fucked up prince
We were never king and queen of the prom
But our chemistry is written on the walls yea
You don’t need popularity
Don’t sweat you get the best of me
Oh could tell you 10 things that I love about you
But that just wouldn’t cover everything
And all those movies they’ve got nothing on us
Might not be perfect but I wouldn’t cut a single scene
I love the mess we’re in my fucked up prince
It’s time to let go of all the unrealistic
Fantasies you make it seem like we don’t need the silver screen yea
I love the mess we’re in my fucked up prince
Rom coms don’t know everything
Wish I’d known that at 17
I love the mess we’re in my fucked up prince
It’s time to let go of all the unrealistic
Fantasies you make it seem like we don’t need the silver screen yea
I love the mess we’re in my fucked up prince
#CassadeePope #hereditary