8. Juni 793 - Lindisfarne A quiet mist covered morning on the northeast coast of Northumberland. The monks of the Lindisfarne monastery do not suspect that this day should be their last ... The Bergische Lions have spared no expense and effort to tell the most famous raid of the Northmen in a picture-perfect epic music video. The musical background of the video is Obscurity’s song ’793’ from the current album ‘Streitmacht’. In total, the production acquired more than 50 performers for the video shoot, in addition to historical locations, such as the Slawendorf Brandenburg or the dragon boat ’Freya’ (Feldberger Seenplatten). The video was directed and shot by Sascha Krüger of #iMotion Factory who in the past produced (among others) Obscurity’s award winning music video ‘Streitmacht Bergisch Land’. No more words are needed, the result speaks for itself. Put yourself back in the year 793 and see what happened on the English peninsula ... 793 - Lindisfarne ... ihr werdet die Schafe sein.. The band would like to thank all actors in particular Ingo (Lausitz-Vikings) and Shorty for their efforts, Sascha and the entire film crew, Selin, Simon, Boro, Woody and the entire team of Slawendorf Brandenburg, the BAS Brandenburg, Werner Zimmermann - owner of the Dragon boat ’Freya’, the Northern Darkness Metal Club as well as the two sponsors Trollzorn and the Turock Metal Disco. Another special thanks goes to Steffi and René from Silence Magazine for their support during the filming. Quote: We braved the weather, shed huge amounts of blood and sweat, and even smaller setbacks could bring ANYBODY to their knees. Without YOU, the whole project would have been impossible !!! We will never forget YOU and this weekend - we will go to battle together! Berge Romerijke! OBSCURITY
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