Underwater Painting Class By OlgaNikitinArt Everyone can create art underwater rise your creativity

Sandra is PADI Course Director in Switzerland, she joined my special course - underwater papinting artist. We went for scuba diving in thehouse reef in Shams Safaga Diving Center and created underwater paintings. Olga Nikitina is a diving instructor PADI,she developed a specialty course Underwater Painting Artist. About The Artist Olga is an artist and scuba diving instructor, she draw her inspiration from being underwater. She traveled around the world, dives in different ocean and sea for discovering new colors, shapes, emotions, to capture all varieties of our another world – UNDERWATER. She believes when she teach people scuba diving she opens the door to new planet, to new reality in another dimension. In her art she reflects these emotions what people experience being underwater. Who have tried scuba diving once become a different person, it is not possible to forget that experience. Olga’s artworks will transfer you to that moment and you will dive in your memories with all
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