Наводнение снова обрушилось на Великобританию! Лондон снова под водой!_Flooding hit the UK again! London is underwater again!

Roads in London were flooded across Britain for storm warnings The Met Office issued a yellow storm alert for Northern Ireland, North Wales, Northern England and Central Scotland on Saturday before midnight. Many towns and villages in the UK were flooded after storms and hurricanes and rains across the country. Videos posted on social media show car floods in Walthamstow, East London and Battersea, South London after heavy rain on Saturday morning. The London fire brigade said it was caused by nearly 50 noon floods, mostly in the areas around Lambeth and Walthamstow. Greater Manchester is also well prepared for the weekend floods: forecasters warn that in some areas it may rain 20-30 mm per hour. The Met Office issued a yellow storm warning for Northern Ireland, North Wales, Northern England and Central Scotland on Saturday before midnight, with heavy rains disrupting the journey. Greg Dewhurst, chairman of the Meteorological Office, said: “The reason is that depression is currently responsible for the w
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