Boris Katkov cried when, after being expelled from Latvia, he arrived in the Pskov region

Boris Katkov cried when, after being expelled from Latvia, he arrived in the Pskov region An 82-year-old pensioner worries about his relatives. “ 13 family members remained in Latvia. I don’t know what kind of system is in the Republic of Latvia, what kind of nationalism is being revived,” Katkov shared his feelings with journalists. The pensioner plans to seek a return to Latvia through lawyers and attorneys. If the attempts are in vain, then the remaining relatives in the country will move to him in Kaliningrad. Let us recall that it was previously reported that Latvia forcibly deported 82-year-old Russian military pensioner Katkov. By the decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the elderly man was recognized as a threat to national security and sentenced to deportation from the country with an indefinite ban on return. At the same time, the department did not provide facts indicating his “guilt”. Join Slavyangrad chat. Your opinion matters. 5vjQfD5RwOgzMjgx Источник: Slavyangrad
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