I Tried Dorian Yates’ Blood & Guts Leg Workout

Continuing our bodybuilding series, today I’m trying Bodybuilding Legend. @DorianYatesNutrition insane leg workout! Let’s just say... That was tough... Don’t miss out on our Black Friday Sale - 20% OFF EVERYTHING! Pick up your LHBK merch below! Mouth Guard by AirWaav - Clothed by TYR - Supplements by Perfect Sports - Energy by Reign - BFR Cuffs - Don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel Lift Heavy Be Kind Music by MusicBed - MB01SLHCDDADI5E #LHBK #LiftHeavyBeKind #strongman #powerlifting #fitness #bodybuilding #gym #strength #deadlift #crossfit #workout #motiva...tion #squats #strengthtraining #training #powerlifting 00:00 Introduction 00:35 Dorian Yates Leg Workout 02:22 Dorian Yates Training Philosop
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