Každá cesta má svůj konec, i ta Libušínská.
Děkujeme všem, kteří se podíleli na Cestě na Libušín i všem, kteří se zúčastnili libušínského festivalu.
This epic battle is conclusion of our series “Cesta na Libušín“ (The Journey to Libusin in Czech), where Tomáš, an ordinary man, decides to attend to the biggest medieval battle in central Europe, the battle of Libušín. Through several episodes he is trained to at least survive the battle by the pro fighters of Ogary Pogoni party.
Battle rules:
You can see the first episode of the series here:
- English subtitles included :).
Fotogalerie/Photogalery - Miroslav Janoušek:
Soundtrack by Audiomachine (), tracks used:
“Interpid Souls“, “Solace“, “Victory Lap“