(Stephanie Poetri) I Love You 3000 - Josephine Alexandra | Fingerstyle Guitar Cover

Hey guys! Here’s my fingerstyle guitar arrangement of I Love You 3000 by Stephanie Poetri. It’s such a good song, go check it out if you haven’t! 👇 Follow, Subscribe, and Stream Josephine Alexandra👇 🎶 Spotify: 🎥 YouTube Music channel: 🎮 YouTube Gaming Channel: 🙋‍♀️ Instagram: 👍 Facebook: ↓ ↓ TABS ↓ ↓ atau add Official Line aku @josephinealexandra (pakai @) Guitar 🎸: Yamaha SLG200 #JosephineAlexandra #ILoveYou3000 #FingerstyleGuitar #Fingerstyle #StephaniePoetri #jpalxndr
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