Lake, Smit & Partners | Calcific Barbotage

Barbotage is the aspiration or breakdown of calcium in a tendon under ultrasound guidance that is a minimally invasive and cost-effective way to treat calcific tendinopathy or tendonitis. Initially an ultrasound is performed to assess if the calcium is amenable to barbotage and to exclude or identify other causes for the pain. A needle is passed into the calcium within the tendon and the calcium is aspirated. Some remaining calcium will be present but this will be absorbed by the bursa (a tissue layer above the tendon) and could induce a bursitis (inflammation of the bursa). The steroid infiltration into the bursa always follows the barbotage to counteract the expected flare up in the bursa. For more information about our venue or calcific barbotage, visit or book an appointment with us by calling – 087 310 4985 (Gateway Private Hospital) / 087 310 4991 (Hillcrest Imaging Centre) or email gateway@ / hillcrest@ #LakeSmitWay #CalificBarbotage
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