🔴 Ukrainian Humvees Speed Through Russian Artillery Fire After Charging Russian Positions In Kherson

Channel of the Humvee gunner: Two longer videos from the attack: Part 1: Part 2: Follow him on instagram: Video footage from the Kherson front shows Ukrainian humvees speeding through Russian artillery fire after they dropped off at least two squads of Ukrainian soldiers on the frontline during a charge on Russian positions. The vehicles had to cross a wide open terrain to bring the soldiers in to the fight. The humvees advance was covered by two Ukrainian tanks with crossed out Z markings backing the rumor that Ukrainian forces used Russian markings on their vehicles during the initial breakthrough on ter Kherson front a few days ago. WarLeaks - Military Blog covers events, news, missions & facts from the United States Armed Forces including the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Ma
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