Attack on Titan Season 4 Reaction Highlights | Great Anime Reactors!!! | 【進撃の巨人】【海外の反応】
0:00 Season 4 highlights
0:07 4x1 The Other Side of the Sea/海の向こう側
1:19 4x2 Midnight Train/闇夜の列車
1:51 4x3 The Door of Hope/希望の扉
3:05 4x4 From One Hand to Another/手から手へ
4:33 4x5 Declaration of War/宣戦布告
5:45 4x6 The War Hammer Titan/戦鎚の巨人
8:19 4x7 Assault/強襲
10:11 4x8 Assassin’s Bullet/凶弾
10:57 4x9 Brave Volunteers/義勇兵
11:27 4x10 A Sound Argument/正論
12:02 4x11 Deceiver/偽り者
12:47 4x12 Guides/導く者
13:42 4x13 Children of the Forest/森の子ら
15:13 4x14 Savagery/暴悪
16:54 4x15 Sole Salvation/唯一の救い
18:18 4x16 Above and Below/天地