A friend of mine makes a collection of hearthbreaking moments from movies and he super enjoys making every single one, take a lo

THIS VIDEO IS PURELY FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES. I do not own the soundtrack, the soundtrack is by Ludovico Einaudi MMV (Movie Music Video) of 13 moving and amazing moments in films BE AWARE - SPOILERS AHEAD. List of the films IN ORDER : 1. Prisoners 2. Source Code 3. Children of Men 4. Changeling 5. Inglourious Basterds 6. The Pursuit of Happyness 7. Sunshine 8. Fury 9. Se7en 10. Warrior 11. Nightcrawler 12. The Last Samurai 13. Django Unchained The soundtrack is ’Experience’ by Ludovico Einaudi I ma
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