UFO Sighting 🛸 in Russia April 15 2023 a mysterious orb was captured on camera 🛸

UFO Sighting 🛸 in Russia April 15 2023 a mysterious orb was captured on camera 🛸 On April 15, 2023, in Russia, a mysterious orb shaped #UFO/#UAP was captured on camera. The witness states the object sat in a remote location over an unknown part of the city for quite some time. UFO Sighting 🛸 Polk Ohio 🛸 Arcturian Craft April 2023 🛸 DISCLOSURE 👽 UFO Sightings 🛸 New York 2023 🛸 A person captures Strange Large Luminous Object in the Sky 🛸 #russia #ufo #firstcontact #ufoキャッチャー #ufosighting #ufology #UAP #UFOSightings #alien #ufotwitterweek #newearth #primedisclosure #paulwhitegoldeagle If you would like to help us continue bringing these transmissions and teachings to the world you can either make a monthly pledge or one time donation t
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