The Dolly Rocker Movement ❀ The Ecstasy Once Told ☆HD☆
★ The Dolly Rocker Movement ❀ The Ecstasy Once Told
► Lyrics ⇓
I saw the child born
into the sun
into the morning sun
and i can notice
all that you are
everything that you are
Take my time with
a shadow love
a darkness shadow love
cuz you are the meaning
of everything
and everything that you crave
Wake me from this
eternal space
this eternal space
and cloud my mind with
a sorrow side
a gently sorrow side
★ Any copyright infringement unintended ..this posting is purely for the enjoyment from and for The Dolly Rocker Movement FANS ★
★I do not claim to be the owner of the music or the video, all of which is copyrighted to its respective owners. This upload is for entertainment purposes only and has no cash value. I am very grateful for the generosity of the artistic creators. No copyright infringement intended. I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for viewing.★