Английский язык 10 класс (Урок№52 - Heating things up.)

Английский язык 10 класс Урок№52 - Heating things up. What is the weather like today? Is it hot? Is it cold? How can you measure the temperature? мы узнаем: о разных способах измерения температуры в США и России; мы научимся: рассказывать о погоде; мы сможем: строить высказывания с введённой лексикой. Nowadays there are 2 most widespread scales when it comes to defining whether it is hot, warm, cool or freezing cold outside. To talk about the temperature we need some words. Affect, boiling point, burn, column, constantly, contain, contract, decrease, degree, determine, electricity, exchange, expand, freezing point, friction, heat, increase, joule, measure, measurement, molecule, nuclear, scale, temperature, thermometer, tongue, warm.
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