They Have Lost Control, And Now The Dollar Is Going To Die

Our leaders have jeopardized the future of our nation and our society is starting to feel the consequences of such reckless decisions. They probably thought that they could actually get away with it. They believed they could create, borrow and spend giant piles of money without facing any issues. But, of course, that plan has backfired. Since the creation of the United States, there have been many governments that have surrendered to the temptation of creating massive amounts of dollars, and every single time, things have ended badly. So by now, those who are leading this country should’ve learned their lesson. More money is not the cure for a financial system terminally broken, and they should know that by now. Those policies caused so many imbalances in our economy that, at this point, no one stops talking about inflation. On the mainstream media, the alleged specialists seem mystified that things have gotten so bad so quickly. But anyone with a shred of common sense should have been able to see that this
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