Pet Shop (1960)

Location: Germany Story about a German pet shop GV. Interior, pet shop. MS. Man shows woman a caged bird. CU. Bird (Canary). CU. Woman nodding her head. MS. Small boy looking at Golden hamsters. CU. Mouse treading on wheel which is going round. MS. Small girl stroking dog. MS. Grass parakeets on perch. MS. Man gets bird box down and turns it round to show hole in the back. CU. Hand goes into box and picks out fledgeling which has just broken out of the egg. CU. Small girl with fledgeling in her hand. CU. Fledgeling’s face. CU. Fish looking at camera. CU. Tropical fish swimming about in tank. CU. Boy’s face on opposite side of tank watching the fish. CU. Woman places net inside tank and catches one of the fish. MS. Jar is handed to woman behind the counter, who pours its contents into a polythene bag. CU. Monkey in cage. CU. Small boy taking his parcel from woman in shop. LS. Family seated at table, small child opens parcel, takes lid off box, the mother screams and stand on chair, (presumably a
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