Visions: Elements and Personality Analysis

Hello everybody! IMPORTANT This video contains a major spoiler about a World Quest in Sumeru but I will notify you with warnings both on-screen with a countdown and vocally. In this video I analyzed every single Character Story about how they got their Visions to deduce why a certain person receives a specific element rather than another one. I hope you’ll write in the comments your theories about this topic, since there are a lot out there and, like I said in the video, and I’m really looking forward to knowing which Vision you would get according to my theory! Also, I would like to than...k all the new subscribers and viewers! I was completely blown away when I saw how much my last video was appreciated and the huge interaction in the comment section. I do hope I won’t let you down! I hope you’ll like this video! As always, if you liked it, don’t forget to leave a thumbs up and, if you want to watch more Genshin Impact Theory videos, subscribe and turn the notification bell on! ----------CONTENTS OF THIS VIDEO---------- 0:00 - Intro and Disclaimer 1:01 – Cryo Element 3:04 - Hydro Element 4:43 – Anemo Element 5:56 – Pyro Element 7:45 – Electro Element 9:59 – Geo Element 11:38 – Dendro Element (p1) 12:46 - Baizhu Theory 14:20 – Dendro Element (p2) 14:40 – SUMERU MAJOR SPOILER 15:05 - Outro ----------------------------------------------- YELAN THEME Yelan Theme Music EXTENDED - Shadow in the Rain (tnbee mix) OTHER CHARACTERS THEMES Yu-Peng Chen Diluc MMD Model Legend of the White Snake ----------------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME ON: INSTAGRAM: shadowx5452gaming TIKTOK: shadowx5452gaming @shadowx5452gaming #genshinimpact #genshinimpactlore #genshinimpacttheory #mihoyo #hoyoverse #visions #gaming #gamer #videogames
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