Access the Akashic Records to Remove Blocks from the Path to Your Soul Purpose and Higher Self

In my previous meditations, I guide you to access the akashic records to discover your soul name and then to release karma. In this new meditation, I guide you to access the akashic records to discover and remove the blocks in the way of the the path of your life purpose. You will be guided through specific questions and have plenty of time to ask your own More on this: We begin with some relaxation to quiet the conscious minds. I then guide you into deeper energy awareness and activation of the crown chakra. You go to a deeper level of awareness again, to the soul level, to activate and align your intentions with your soul, the purest form of self. As emotions calm and thoughts step aside, your soul level arises from your body and transcends space-time to arrive at the library akashic records (note: while the akashic records are not material, this is the way that your subconscious can interact with them and interpret the information received and answers to questions). Once you arrive at the library of the akashic records, you are greeted by a guardian. Who are they? Are they another version of you or a separate entity? I then guide you through understanding and releasing blocks from the past including: - wounds from this life and past lives, karma, breaking old contracts - false prophecies you continue to make about your own life and you are then guided into understanding what to change or find or begin, in order to align with the path to your soul purpose Finally, you are presented with a vision of your future self, and your DNA intertwines. Enjoy! Revisit this as many times as necessary as you may not be ready to receive all information in one session. Video Sections 00:00:00 Intro 00:01:06 Start 00:09:26 Activate Crown Chakra 00:15:00 Move to Soul Level Intelligence 00:18:20 Soul Alignment and Activation 00:30:34 Arrival at the Akashic Records 00:32:35 Meet your Guardian 00:40:30 Ask Questions of the Akashic Records 🎧 Download this MP3 to listen offline, anytime 👉 🎧 Visit the MP3 store at Listen to more Akashic Records Meditations here: Access the Akashic Records to Discover Your Soul name 👉 Access the Akashic Records to Heal and Release Karma 👉 Meditation to Meet Your Higher Self 👉 Learn more about me, how hypnotherapy helped me overcome more than a decade of insomnia, and my passion for low-cost and no-cost support for ALL that led me to quit a 17 year corporate career to do this, my life purpose! 👉 If you have benefitted from my work, please donate one time by Paypal at to allow me to continue to produce low-cost and no-cost support for all! Or you can use Donorbox to donate by credit card or Paypal Thank you ❀ Sarah đŸ“±Connect on Facebook 👉 đŸ“±Follow on Instagram 👉 ----------------------------------------------------- Royalty-free Music Cylinder 5 by Chris Zabriskie, available from audiojunglenet and In Spiritus by Christopher Lloyd Clarke, available from Royalty-free photos and thumbnail created from ---------------------------------------------------- #unlockyourlifetoday #akashicrecordsmeditation #akashicrecords ----------------------------------------------------- Please ensure you read the full health advisory and disclaimer and seek any medical advice from your doctor if you have a confirmed or suspected health condition before listening to this. Do not listen to any of my recordings while performing any other task and always ensure you are in a safe environment.
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