Brutal Doom v21 Gold was released on May 17 2019, but I only had the time to make a trailer for it just now.
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Songs by Andrew Hulshult:
Stock transition sounds provided by MrSnooze
Special thanks to all my patrons that supported me this month:
Suleyman Kutlu, Olivares, SilverFox, MaxHoffman, Ginny Griedel, your evil twin, proteinxstack, ChebMaster, Maskopatol, Peter Hunt, Josiah Wilson, Chuck, J. Andrew Lanz-O’Brien, Jephrey Catalan, MaxDickings, Raymond Puisha, Valerio Ramaioli, Zippo71111, Orlando Rivera, James Hutchinson, Tom W, , Doomster, Rikimaru55, gm20611, Tai Conger-Vigil, Suemeng Billy Khang, Pear, Desmond Finn, Damien Cooley, Miczal, Jeremy Head, Eternium, Danny Wagner, William Bursey, Artisan Talsar, Matt Eastwood, Valentinas Knyva, Olivier Vuillemenot, Patric Gustavsson, Brandon Fraley, Chaos Systems Crew, Marc Koenen, Dmitri, Matt Cifer, Kyle Collins, Derped, Raimondo Spasiano, Andrew Allison, Zornor90, kod_connect, Joel Kallio, Benjamin J Harkins, Joe, Gael Connan, Daniel Galov, Carl Simon, Pavel Kozlov, Robert Curtin, Myster GeOrGe, Victor Lopez, Tim Brintnall, Thrinmon, joellV, Marvl, Juicecaboose, Grumpy Tengu, Boris Abakumov, Bob, Nick Kehoe
Special thanks to all the people whose resources were used in Brutal Doom:
Mike12, Captain Toenail, David G, Revilution, Eriance, Perkristian, Dr. Doctor, DoomNukem, Joey_TD, Das_M, Rafael GoldenWarrior72, Samuel ’Mryayayify’ Shank, Brandon (Keeper), Pa1nki113r, CrucuxDuo, Minigunner, Jekyll Grim Payne, Scuba Steeve, Ghastly, Vader, Lynn Forest, EletricPulse, Mr. Enchanter, Doom_Jedi, Kamijou, Kars van Kouwen, scalliano, Tomtefars, Azona, A James, BretArts, 3D Realms, Raven Software, TerminusEst13, Solarsnowfall, Nash, Jekyll Grim Payne, Zero X. Diamond, Black Metal Chainsaw, Tiberium Soul, fenderc01, Dragonsbretheren.