Horror stories : Abandoned house

Horror stories: Abandoned house I was 14 years old, I was vacationing in the summer with my grandmother in the village, since I came here often, I had friends. We always walked until dark and came home happy. One fine evening we were on the river, when we were getting ready to leave it was already dark and we managed to see a reddish moon, I had never seen anything like this and was pleasantly surprised. Returning home to my grandmother, I immediately told everything, I wanted her to share my emotions. She was very upset and told me that this was a very bad omen, which of course I didn’t believe. The sign itself sounds like this: If you managed to see the reddened Moon, then serious trouble awaits you. When I got together with my friends the next day, I didn’t tell them anything about the omen, I thought they would laugh at me. Yegor suggested going to an abandoned house, which was located a kilometer from the village. We, who were looking for adventure, of course agreed and headed
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