The Worship of the Goddess–The Path of the Divine Mother: God as Mother in You (7-2-92)

Lecture “The Worship of the Goddess–The Path of the Divine Mother: God as Mother in You” was delivered by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 2, 1992, during the ten-day conference FREEDOM 1992: “Joy in the Heart” held at the Heart of the Inner Retreat, Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. (This lecture was published as one-hour video in series «Mystical Paths of the World’s Religions» under #21.) Prophet brings together the religious traditions of the worship of God as Mother in Hinduism, Buddhism, the Kabbalah and Gnosticism. Using examples from life and path of the Tibetan princess Yeshe Tsogyal, she shows how you can cultivate the light of the Divine Mother within you. Includes teaching on the Golden Mantra of Padma Sambhava (the founder of Tibetan Buddhism), the cure for confusion and turmoil. Content 00:00 Lecture (beg.) 45:31 “The Prayer of the World Mother”. (It is a prayer you can give when you are in desperate circumstances). 47:15 Lecture (end)
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