Sports throwing a tennis ball with a sling. Byzantine throw. How to throw a sling safely. Праща

Sports throwing a tennis ball with a sling. Byzantine throw. How to throw a sling safely. channel Sport-Teleport. Dobrynya Club Today we have one of the simplest throwing styles, many slingers around the world call it the “Byzantine Throw“. I remind you that sports throwing is throwing exclusively a tennis ball. A request to all slingers not to throw stones and stuff on sports grounds. This is dangerous for others and unacceptable in public places. For the development of the sport, as well as in other countries, compliance with Safety Regulations is very important. Subscribe to the channel, leave comments, if you have any questions, please ask-this will help the development of the channel. Спортивное метание пращой теннисного мяча. Византийский бросок. Как безопасно метать пращой. канал Спорт-Телепорт. Клуб “Добрыня“ Сегодня у нас один из самых простых стилей метания, многие пращники по всему миру его называют “Византийский бросок“. Напоминаю, что спортивное мета
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