A candle at the rainy window | How to paint acrylic painting tutorial easy

Today I am paint a beautiful acrylic painting A candle at the rainy window. Draw with me step by step this easy acrylic painting tutorial for beginners and have fun painting. I will be glad if this acrylic painting tutorial for beginners will please and inspire you. If this acrylic painting tutorial is valuable for you - give me a “like“ or write me a comment - so you’ll make me happy. Thanks for watching my acrylic painting tutorial! 🔔 Subscribe and click the bell to get notified when I upload! 🔔 Insta The colors used in painting are blue, yellow, red, black and white. -Acrylic painting -Canvas 27cm*21cm / 10.6 inch* 8.2 inch -BGM uses the YouTube library I hope after watching this easy acrylic painting for beginners you have answered the question for yourself how to draw A candle at the rainy window painting. #acrylicpaintingtutorial #AcrylicPainting #rainypainting #howtodraw
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