“Aussi comme unicorne sui“, Thibaut de Champagne | TENET Vocal Artists

Aussi comme unicorne sui by Thibaut de Champagne Thibaut de Champagne The Sounds of Time: Songs of the Trouvères October 9, 2015 St. Malachy’s – The Actors’ Chapel, NYC Virginia Warnken, alto Robert Mealy, vielle Debra Nagy, winds Charlie Weaver, medieval lute Jolle Greenleaf, artistic director Robert Mealy, guest director English translation: I am like the unicorn whom contemplation stuns as he gazes at the maiden. He is so elated and unnerved that he falls fainting in her lap; then he is traitorously slain. I have been killed in the same way, truly, by love and my lady; they have my heart, and I can’t have it back. My lady, when I stood before you and saw you for the first time, my heart went leaping so that it stayed with you when I took my leave. Then it was led, an unransomed captive, into the precious prison whose columns are made of desire, whose gates are of beautiful sight, a
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