EDIT 2: EXTENDED VERSION IS ON: ❤ LIKE ME: ☆ FOLLOW ME: TWITTER: #!/SchokoSora TUMBLR: - - - Wow... thank you guys... #78 -- Top Favorited (All Time) -- Film & Animation -- Germany EDIT: ...does he sing ’I got you on my LIPS?’... oh god I fail -_-’’ holy mother of faack 8DDD IT’S DONE. I started this video 4 days ago after Sho showed me this amazing song :3 ehh.. this video was like a DRUG to edit. It was so much fun although I fail at some parts in the vid cos I’ve tryed out some new effects etc. 8D Anyways. I like how this video turned out.. kida. oh yea I fudge YEA SCHOKI MASKED and like omg.. this was too much for my little fingers D8 I don’t masked that much but it was almost TOO MUCH for me -fails- xD
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