BDS online International | invitation EN

On June 19, 21 BDS Online is back in a refreshed formula! Do you want to get the best business knowledge and turn it into impressive successes? Then join us! 19/06/21 at 8:00 Leaders Session from JTL at BDS start for everyone UTC 2 (Warsaw time) An event on the ZOOM platform in Polish and translated into: The event will be conducted in Polish and translated into English, German, Russian, Slovak, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. The sale of tickets until June 18, 21 at a.m. Anyone who buys a ticket, no matter when it is done, will receive a link by e-mail through which he must register. Theb the ZOOM will generate a special invitation to the event. On the day of the event click (click to join) in the invitation to join BDS! TICKETS:
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