Our Royal Guest King - King Leopold In England (1937)

Full title reads: “Our Royal Guest - King Leopold in England“. Dover, Kent and London. Various shots of Channel ferry arriving at port. Canons are fired from Dover Castle on top of white cliffs. RAF (Royal Air Force). King Leopold of Belgium stands on deck with other dignitaries. Panning shot follows Prince Henry (Duke of Gloucester) as walks from quay onto deck of ship to greet King Leopold. The King and the Prince introduce each other to various English and Belgian dignitaries, including M. Spaak, Belgian Foreign Minister. Various shots of Prince and King walking into train station. Crowds and Mayor of Dover wait to greet them. Belgian and Union Jack flags hang from ceiling. Prince, King and entourage board a train bound for London. L/S of Dover Castle. M/S of Royal train pulling into station at Victoria, London. M/S of King and Prince walking out of station to face troop of Coldstream Guards. M/S of King Leopold talking with King George VI (formerly Prince Albert, Duke of York) and
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