Heavy Snowfall Solo Camping

Solo camping in the snow in a hot tent. Weather has suddenly changed from rain to heavy snow. It was raining lightly when we arrived at the campsite. The rain melted the snow, and it was very difficult to set up because our feet were buried in the snow. After setting up safely, we grilled delicious steaks on the wood stove and went to bed. By night, the rain had turned to snow. The tent was very spacious and safe to sleep in. When I woke up in the morning, I was surprised to see a lot of snow on the ceiling of my tent. The weight of the snow bent the tent poles. The snow shoveling went very smoothly. After breakfast, we relaxed a bit and then took a nap. When I woke up from my nap, the weather had changed to heavy snow. There was quite a bit of snow around the tent. We felt that if the snow continued to fall at this rate, the tents were in danger of being buried, so we began to take them down in a hurry. We managed t
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