“Water’s Intelligence“ | Full Video | Veda Austin | HydroDAO Oceanside Chat #6

Learn More: Veda Austin is a New Zealand water researcher, author, artist and mother of three. For nearly a decade she has been photographing water in a ‘state of creation’, the state between liquid and ice that she believes is responsive to consciousness. Veda views this important phase from three perspectives. Scientifically, water is becoming a liquid crystal, artistically, water is free to design, and from a spiritual level, water enters a phase of fluidity between space and time, and is in a place of ‘becoming’. Her desire to find a unifying force that upheld the principles of life, nature, and the cosmos manifested when she began her journey with water at the deepest of levels. Inspired by the genius of Viktor Schauberger, Marcel Vogel, Theodor Schwenk and Rudolf Steiner, Veda embraced a Goethean approach, weaving science with phenomena based learning and years of refined observation. For her, water is not limited, it enters the bodies of people as freely as it
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