KU HYE SUN - THE PEACH TREE 복숭아나무 OST (Vocal 조승우)

✖ Корея окрыля-я-е-т!✖ Ku Hye Sun showing her various artistic talents as an actress, film director, writer and painter, followed by being a songwriter now, and also as a composer and singer. Ku Hye Sun directed second full-length 2012 feature film “The Peach Tree“, with Jo Seung Woo, Ryu Duk Hwan and Nam Sang Mi as the main cast, and the movie will be released on October 31st. 영화 감독, 작가, 화가, 작사작곡가 등 다양한 수식어를 지니고 있는 만능 엔터테이너 구혜선이 ’복숭아나무’ 영화
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