Want To See How The Pros Quickly Repair Potholes In The Rain With EZ Street Asphalt

Repairing potholes in the rain used to be impossible. That was before EZ Street Asphalt, with its water-displacing, polymer-modified formulation, began turning everyone’s head around. Now, instead of giving the road repair crew a day off, they can head out there for throw & go pothole repair more quickly and efficiently than ever. In this video, Kevin Potts with Williamson County, Tennessee talks about how they’ve been using EZ Street Asphalt for about 8 years now. He says they like it because, “It’s a really, really good product, durable and well conditioned,” and “It bonds really well after rolling it.” The polymer-modified EZ Street formula means that the product doesn’t come unraveled. It’s easy to spread using a rake or a lute. Like Mr. Potts says, they try to use the best, and when you want something done and done right, he recommends using EZ Street. EZ Street is always workable, and always stays in the hole. In this video, you can see the product in action. These men are throwing the product direct
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