Band Aid - Do They Know It’s Christmas (Restored/Remastered HD with Names)
Released November of 1984 (uploaded on its 30th anniversary), this is a restored video and remastered audio. I’ve added the names of each artist - I missed a few non-performers and misspelled a name or two. Some we not labeled twice and others were if they were in a group of singers and may have flashed by too quickly to read.
I AM NOT A MONETIZED YOUTUBER!!! This started out as a hobby and continues to be so. With all of the demonetized hits I have on this channel, if I were a YouTuber, I’d make $10-$20 a month. I am not involved in YouTube’s Content Maker program. The ads placed were all YouTube’s ads.
● Yes, Nick Rhodes’ name is misspelled. Sorry. It was a typo that only got pointed out to me years after I uploaded the video. The labeling was done in the video and cannot be edited. If there was a way to re-edit the video and re-upload it with all of the comments, likes and views in place, I would.
● The title has been fixed from, “Do They Know Christmas“ to “Do They Know It’s Christmas“. A typo is worth a ton of comments.
● Queen/Freddie Mercury was on tour at the time and couldn’t make it to his regret. YES!!! Freddie would have been amazing. I agree.
● Phil Collins’ name is at 0:45
● The woman with the babies is Bob Geldof’s wife, Paula Yates and their two daughters.
● “Marilyn“ in quotes was labeled as such because that’s how I saw it on some performances back then. Marilyn’s career was very short-lived here in America and didn’t know if his name was supposed to be that way or not. This in no way constitutes me being a transgender-phobic, or however it was commented at me.
● Bono’s line; “Well tonight thank God it’s them instead of you“ has a pinned comment thread.
● Yes, it does appear that Bono does look like Bobcat Goldthwait (“Zed“) on Police Academy. I’ve never seen any Police Academy after the first one, so I didn’t know until it was pointed out here.
● Jody Watley is here because she just left Shalamar and was in London at the time. Bob Geldof is said to have been a fan and they shared the same managers.
● Paul McCartney and David Bowie couldn’t get a flight out in time.
● When it’s close to Christmas, “Merry Christmas to you, too and thank you for watching.“
● Millions were raised for the cause and a good amount did go where it was supposed to go. Bob Geldof couldn’t account for the rest outside of the legal side of things. It was not his intention, I’m sure. But I don’t know. I don’t know Bob personally and wasn’t there.
● I agree, in some ways, this was better than “We Are The World“ by USA For Africa, but both are quite special for its time and intention. Some of the artists on USA For Africa were quite amazing to watch. Stevie Wonder’s performance at the end of “We Are The World“ still gives me goosebumps.
● I was a teenager when this came out and it was more about watching all of my favorite artists at the time. This had no political or social agenda for a 13-year-old, outside of opening my eyes to international charities, famine relief and all of that. Whether the artists got paid, or the money never made it, or Bob Geldof is a this or a that, that was not important then. This is just me uploading a song from back in the day that was special for its time. I bought the 45 and the 12’ disc and just hoped it did what it was intended to do. Otherwise, it’s just a song from my time. Same for my upload for USA For Africa.
Enjoy the video and Happy Holidays to everyone and thanks for watching :)
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