New DMG Easy Branch system | LOVATO Electric

LOVATO Electric now offers a completely new energy measurement system which is innovative, precise and far simpler than the conventional approach, by sharing the voltage measurement and delocalising current measurements to the vicinity of the loads themselves. With a single point of access to the data and the current measurement modules installed downline of the loads, the EASY-BRANCH system offers numerous benefits. It is: SIMPLE: the system is composed of a small number of components added to the power analyzer. This means that the system can handle up to 33 three-phase or 99 single-phase measurement points! The current measurement modules do not require special cabling to the EASY-BRANCH bus - a normal cat. 6 Ethernet cable is all that is needed. The system’s architecture makes it easy to integrate into any energy management system PLUG & PLAY: the EXS1... and EXS3... electronic transformers, thanks to their ability to automatically recognise the current module to which they are connected, do away with the need for the installer to configure the current transformer primary. FAST: for each current measurement module (EXS4000), only one cable with a RJ45 terminal need to be connected to obtain up to 4 three-phase or 12 single-phase measurement points, each of which is connected with a cable with RJ45 terminal, thus greatly reducing the time required to hook up the system. FOOLPROOF: monitoring systems using conventional measurement instruments and 12 cables connected to each three-phase measurement point are prone to cabling errors (sequence of phases, matching voltage and current, direction of the current transformers). The EASY-BRANCH system, with its RJ45 connections to the electronic current transformers, is completely foolproof! PRECISE: the EASY-BRANCH system offers excellent measurement accuracy according to IEC/EN/BS 61557-12 and IEC/EN/BS 62053-22/23. COMPACT: the small number of devices and cables used by the system yields major space savings in the panel. The new generation of DMG… power analyzers, in combination with the EASY-BRANCH system, is the outcome of a lengthy research effort undertaken by LOVATO Electric to facilitate the work of the end user while making the energy management process more efficient, modern and technological. The result is an innovative system at the forefront of modern technology, a genuine revolution in the field of energy monitoring.
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