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With a population of almost people, this secluded country has seen the rise of
a great Black Metal scene during the last years. This is no surprise considering Iceland’s great volcanic activity, desolate mountains, and deadly glaciers.
Lasting more than 1 hour, this compilation features some of the most prominent Icelandic Black Metal bands.
Rejoice in Darkness!
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1. 00:00:00 Misþyrming - Söngur Heiftar
2. 00:04:51 Vosbúð - Miðn
3. 00:11:25 Sinmara - Verminous
4. 00:16:57 Waal - Reveries of Ashes
5. 00:25:39 Almyrkvi - Stellar Wind of the Dying Star
6. 00:31:56 Svartidauði - The Howling Cynocephali
7. 00:39:42 Mannveira - Von Er EShow more