Dennis Banks - Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Indians

Dennis Banks - Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Indians A Message To Native Children: My Tokojas! I see your beautiful faces, in my mind. As Native children, you have an opportunity and a responsibility to get an education and to motivate and inspire each other to be the best that you can be. In a few years, you will be the leaders of our Nations. Encourage, inspire and support each other. You ARE the change our world is waiting for. Tunkasila gave you an identity and purpose here on earth so DO NOT settle for anything less. Everything you do in life should be for the betterment of all of creation, starting with yourself. I am proud of each and every one of you. We are all related - we are all family. Mitakuwe Oyasin! In the Spirit of Crazy Horse! Doksha, Grandpa Leonard Peltier
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