ROYAL: Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret visit exhibition at their former home (1939)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret visit exhibition at their former home. Full Description: ENGLAND: London: EXT Gen. view of 145 8653. INT Gen. view of Princess Margaret Rose and Elizabeth entering. Gen. view of Princesses in hall. Long view and semi view of Princesses Elizabeth & M. Rose looking at exhibits. Semi view of kids examining snuffbox of Bonny Prince Charlie. Long view and semi view of kids looking at pictures. Long view and semi view of Princesses walking into & inspecting their old nursery. ORIG. NEG. GOOD SCENES. Long view of 2 Princesses out of car. Semi view of Princess Elizabeth & Margaret Rose into 145 Piccadilly. Royalty; Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain (b. 1926, reigned 1952- ), Princess Margaret (Rose) of Great Britain, Countess of Snowdon (b. 1930), 145
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