Patents are preventing the manufacture of Covid-19 vaccines - Richard Wolff Global Capitalism

This is a clip from the March 2021 Global Capitalism lecture by Richard D. Wolff in which he comments on the fact that factories are fully equipped yet doing nothing because they cannot access the patents to the Covi-19 vaccines. “Even if patents for other things were maintained (and there’s a big debate about whether that’s reasonable too) we clearly have a national planetary emergency here. And there’s something profound in a global capitalist system that is protecting the profits of a small number of companies around the world, particularly American, at the price of death and illness all over the world.“ - Richard Wolff This lecture was titled “March 2020-March 2021: Covid and the Crash“ and featured an analysis of the last year of pandemic and economic crisis. Professor Wolff also gave short updates on: who lost what; who gained what; where is the US economy headed now; and lastly, political fallout: revisiting the January 6 DC assault.
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