The Two Transistor Latch

The Two Transistor Latch is a classic circuit you should know. A signal at the base of Q1(NPN) causes it to conduct, and since it is connected to Q2(PNP) through it’s base, it begins to conduct as well and the circuit is in the on state. A feedback loop from the collector of Q2 to the base of Q1 keeps the current flowing even when the switch is open. Get 5 boards in about a week for $22! Please help support this channel at NO COST TO YOU. If you shop on Amazon, please use this link: I will get a small commission and it costs you nothing. Learnelectronics Merchandise: Yes!! I now have merch: Electronics themed T-Shirts! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEY YOU ABOUT TO POST SOMETHING STUPID: Yes, I know my hands are large/fat. It’s because of a heart condition I suffer from called Congestive Heart Failure. Here’s a link t
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