The NEW Lamborghini Aventador *ULTIMAE* vs NISMO GT-R!?

Here at Triple F, it’s time to race the Lamborghini Aventador Ultimae against the Nissan GT-R Nismo Special Edition! The stats on these cars are relatively comparable and there is a bit of controversy around who could actually win... So we lined them up for a race! Have you seen our other drag racing videos?! DRAG RACE - P1 vs La FERRARI ends in *DISASTER!* DRAG RACE! - FERRARI SF90 takes on *LaFERRARI* and BUGATTI CHIRON DRAG RACE! - Bugatti Chiron VS McLaren Speedtail…$8 MILLION BATTLE WE HAVE MERCH FOR SALE! INSTAGRAM - TIK TOK - @thetriplefcollection?lang=en ------------------------------------------------------- Film by Brice Milleson: Edited By GoldenPeaks Productions: Special Effects By Rick Douglas/ It’s Rick the Editor ------------------------------------------------------- MUSICBED:
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