playlist to study how a medieval philosopher having revealed the truth by divine grace

Total 22 songs to listen to while studying. 1. Kyrie IX from Mass IX ’Cum jubilo’ 2. Kyrie XI from Mass XI ’Orbis factor’ 3. Credo I 4. Sanctus XI from Mass XI ’Orbis factor’ 5. Agnus Dei XI from Mass XI ’Orbis factor’ 6. Antiphon: Da pacem domine 7. Gradual: Justus ut palma 8. Introit: Ad te levavi 9. Introit: Populus Sion 10. Kyrie VIII from Mass VIII ’De Angelis’ 11. Gloria VIII from Mass VIII ’De Angelis’ 12. Credo III 13. Sanctus VIII from Mass VIII ’De Angelis’ 14. Agnus Dei VIII from Mass VIII ’De Angelis’ 15. Introit: Gaudete in domino 16. Introit: Sitientes venite ad aquas 17. Commun...ion: Narrabo omnia mirabilia 18. Antiphon: Salve Regina 19. Antiphon: Ave Maria 20. Communion: Florete flores 21. Introit: Aqua sapientiae 22. & Repete innateordercontato@ Innate Corp.
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