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Prime Minister sees American airborne unit make spectacular mass jumps.
Full Description:
LV parachutes in air.
GV mass parachutists descending.
SV paratroops landing.
GV mass paratroops landing behind smoke screen.
SV parachutes and supplies descending, two paratroops being tangled up together as they land.
GV landing behind smokescreen.
SV parachutists landing on ground.
AV showing five planes flying over country.
CU propeller in f.g.
LAV BV showing 13 planes flying over country.
SV paratroops pushing out equipm
CU supplies hitting ground.
SV plane over camera - parachutes descending.
SBV American officers on dais - parachutes landing in b.g.
GV military officers and men watching descent of parachutes. SCU parachutists type in tin helmet.
SCU Mr Churchill speaking.
CU angle Mr churchill speaking.
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