Chapter 12 of 13 Benefits of Devi Mahatmya

Shri Mataji Source : Markandeya Puran Voice : Anjali Kadri sahajayogaculture21@ The Devi said, ‘And whoever with full concentration shall pray to me constantly with these hymns, shall be freed from all troubles. And those who shall laud (the story of) the destruction of Madhu and Kaitabha, the slaughter of Nishumbha and those also who shall listen with devotion to this sublime poem on my greatness on the eighth, the fourteenth and on the ninth days of the fortnight with concentrated mind, to them nothing wrong shall happen, nor calamities that arise from wrong doings nor poverty and never separation from beloved ones. He shall not experience fear from enemies, or from robbers and kings, or from weapons, fire and floods. Hence this poem of my greatness must be chanted with high concentration and listened to always with devotion; for it is the supreme course of well-being. May this poem of my glories quell all epidemics, as also the threefold natural calamities. The place
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