Hsing-I Fist 5 Elements Broadsword

The Saber technique of Hsing-I Fist is shown here with the separate five elements demonstrated and then linked together in a nice weapons form. Shihfu Di also breaks down the moves and shows the form in easy to learn sections. Demonstrator/Teacher: Di Guo-Yong (born 1948) is from LuXian County, HeBei Province. He learned to play Shaolin Chang Chuan and HeBei Hsing-I Chuan from Zhao Zhong in 1963 and ChuoJiao FanZi Boxing from Wu Bin in 1973. He is a disciple of Zhao Zhong (grandstudent of Li CunYi). In 1975 he learned Chen-style BaGua Zhang from the famous teacher LiZiMing. He also studied Ch...uoJiao FanZi Chuan from Wu BinLou. He is now president of the BeiJing WuShu Research Association (Hsing-I Division) and a national WuShu judge. Hsing-Ii is one of the great boxing forms of China. Based on the theory of the 5 elements it takes fundamental movements and logically builds toward fighting skills. This form of Hsing-I is very clear and well presented. The movements are broken down and nicely demonstrated
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