И. С. Бах - Концерт для флейты, скрипки и клавира Ля-минор («Тройной концерт») - Adagio e dolce (2)

Chamber Music Concerti (BWV 1043, 1044, 1063-1065) BWV 1044 - “Triple Concerto“ for harpsichord, violin and flute in A minor / a-moll (2) Adagio ma non tanto e dolce composed by J.S. Bach (1685-1750) Conductor: Helmuth Rilling, Bach Collegium Stuttgart (Germany) performers: Harpsichords - Robert Levin, Mario Videla, Michael Behringer, Boris Kleiner Violin - Isabelle Faust Flute - Jean-Claude Gérard ...and others click here for the 1st part BWV 1044,1 click he
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